Celebrity Smokers

Thousands of articles have already been written about the health risks ofsmoking. Yet, many celebrities continue to ignore the inscriptions on the boxes which clearly state that smoking harms our health. Some of them even talk about leading healthy lifestyle while secretly smoking in real life. Below are the names of the most hard-core Hollywood smokers.
Hard-core Celebrity Smokers
Kate Moss smokes one pack every day, in contrast to the fact that she wears anti-nicotine patch! Colin Farrell is rarely seen on a photograph without a cigarette in his hand or mouth. Kirsten Dunst and Lindsay Lohan can not part with a pack of Marlboro even in a rehabilitation clinic! Gillian Anderson started smoking when she was 14. For the last seven years the whole America watches as Gillian quits smoking, then goes back to being a smoker, then quits once again, and so on.
Britney Spears “Advertises” Marlboro
Britney Spears once said in 2001 that she hated smokers. Indeed, time changes people since Britney has parted with her innocent image and no longer hides her cigarettes, but rather is a walking advertisement for Marlboro Lights.
Smoking Celebrities and Diseases
Patrick Swayze smokes a lot, despite being very sick (he has pancreas cancer). Charlize Theron never parts with her cigarettes at all. Ironically, she has chronic bronchitis. Group of celebrities who share this condition with Charlize includes such people as Mickey Rourke, Sean Penn, the late Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson, and Robbie Williams.
Smoking as Part of the Style
Furthermore, some stars have to be “the bad guys” simply on the grounds of duty. Snoop Dogg and Amy Winehouse make prominent examples. Furthermore, the list can be easily extended!
Catherine Zeta-Jones Smoked During Pregnancy
At the same time, there are celebrities who simply refuse to admit this habit to the public. Catherine Zeta-Jones is one of them. She kept on smoking while being pregnant. Ubiquitous paparazzi dug out some photos on which Mrs. Douglas enjoys her cigarette on the balcony of her mansion. At that time Zeta-Jones was in her sixth month of pregnancy. There was a huge scandal over those photos in media, but actress chose not to make comments.
Smoking Spice Girls
Emma Bunton was “caught” at some restaurant with a cigarette while being portrayed as “Baby-spice” in the Spice Girls. Those photos rushed across the whole planet. Yet, Bunton was daring enough to sue, claiming that paparazzi were ruining her “baby-spice” image. In response, the media told the singer to either quit smoking or stop lying in her interviews.
Victoria Beckham, who is currently a perfect wife and mother of three, used to smoke early in her career. She no longer smokes now, or at least she claims so.
In contrast, another Spice Girls member, Melanie Brown, recently started smoking and is not ashamed of it at all.
As you can see, many celebrities suffer from this bad habit. Some of them keep on smoking even when they are very sick or pregnant. Because of this, they often look worn-out, age faster, and get sick even more often. Don’t follow their lead and to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
In the past few years, it has become some sort of a fad for celebrities with a drug problem to seek substance abuse treatment , but some do not come out of it totally rehabilitated, as they jump right into their old lifestyle the minute they step out of the treatment facility. Wonder how many are paying loads to try to beat smoking addiction with no luck either?
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